Life Changing Inspiration


Life is a series of battles and parties, depths of valleys and heights of mountaintops
Sometimes we trudge up a long winding road unable to see what lies before us
Then, in a flash, we are whisked to new heights
From one breath to the next we are transported to new levels of happiness

In breathless amazement we delight in our view, marveling at our good fortune
Full of pride in whatever we must have done right

Then one day we may turn around and find ourselves teetering on the edge of a precipice
A gust of wind called misfortune comes along, and we plummet like a rock to the bottom
Wondering who did this to us.
In utter despair, we feel there is nowhere to turn.

But time, time does have a way of changing circumstance
If we can just hold on for one more hour, or one more day
Fate will bring us new insight, new hope, new life.

We soon awaken in our valley of darkness and find a new source of illumination
It might be a message from someone we have forgotten
It could be the sudden understanding of some past event or words
Or some hope giving burst of thought from within our own mind
Most answers, after all, are right there all along
God given answers, deep within our soul.

Sometimes we just do not take the time or find a quiet place to listen
Perhaps you have had to come to this place of no escape
In order to find the answers you have hidden away
Within your very own soul, the answers are in your heart.


The world looked on as he stood his ground, one man,
all alone, nameless
Alone, he faced the enemy
Alone, he brought them to a halt,
an army of tanks ceased to roll forward
As one man, alone, stood fast.


The spark of personal freedom had burst into a flame
A flame so powerful that it fueled the courage
Of one man.
A flame that burned for the whole world to see
That flame burned in this one man.

However, that flame has continued to spread
It is not contained in only one heart
No longer can it be hidden away as a secret desire
Freedom, once sought and tasted, cannot be forgotten
One man stood, fueled with the courage of millions
Yes, the world looked on as this one man
Stood his ground for freedom, One man, Not alone.

The freedom loving people of the world were with him
Sending him their courage and strength
For freedom, no matter how often,
no matter how violently suppressed
Will eventually over come all evil
Freedoms fire is raging
And will never be totally snuffed out.

Photo by Sonny Welsh


First I am up and then I am down just like the rolling tide
Could I withstand the storms of life
without God by my side?
At times we need to ride the crest
to regain our ebbing strength
To carry us through the weary time
of seemingly endless length
It seems each time I reach the top,
I am shoved back in the deep
To grasp and struggle once again, the climb is oh, so steep

Life will never, ever be a time of endless calm
No matter who or what we are
the storms of life will come along
Rich or poor, happy or sad, there is none who can escape
The problems life presents to us, assigned to all by fate

It is how we handle each new phase
that determines every goal
It is how we stand to each new test
and how we play the role
For life is never ending, the cycle is forever
The more we learn through each new phase,
the more the soul can weather
The storms abound to such extremes
it seems too much to bear
But we can and will come through them,
with our God and Savior there

In all the uncertainties of life, one thing is a solid fact
Love of God will last throughout all time,
we may rely on that
Though obstacles are in our way,
though lies and doubts may fly
If we but trust and understand His love will lift us high
His love will ever lead us in the way that we should go
To shelter us in times of stress,
such a comfort His is to know
Knowing Him can change your life,
and make it completely new
He cares for every soul on earth, and yes, for me and YOU!

Picture at right is called Lost Souls
Pencil drawing by Kathern Welsh from book,

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