Special Poetry

Though I trust in the Lord its hard to see
where the present logic in things can be
Continually I struggle with my will and for more patience for Him to instill
I want to do so many things, but one can't fly without the wings
Most of all I wish to know the path that He would bid me go

Each time I'm led in a new direction events seem then to cause contention
When I'm inspired I wonder "why" because of circumstance I can't comply
I'm not one, my tasks to shirk but who do I get the steady work
My husband prayed to find a job too, a steady one in a field he knew

Again God's plan did not match ours, I got a job demanding forty hours
Now it seems this job is heading toward a permanent type of setting
My husband's luck has not been as good, he just can't get the work he should
Short term jobs seem meant to be, doesn't God hear his heart felt plea?

Inspiration still seems to flood my heart for writing and painting and forms of art
This hurts my soul and I wonder why for I get too tired and with pain I cry
Why does God let these things be so, when my physical strength seems to ebb and flow
Inspiration floods me in a powerful surge, how can I stop the creative urge?

Why does God permit flodds through the mind when the physical body, the strength cannot find
Why do I get a long term job when at days end, I want to just sob
Sometimes I'm down and so discouraged there seems no way to be encouraged
I know God says to trust in Him and if we're true, our faith will win


If Jesus went to the fair what would he be doing there
Would He see only degradation
or would He be filled with anticipation
Anticipation to show the lost souls
the value of God's Golden Rules
The Lambs would feel His tender touch;
He loves all animals very much
The cattle, horses, chickens, too,
would all feel blessed when He walked through
His light would shine on every one,
a brighter glow than the mid-day sun
Each creature would be doubly blessed
for they represent His very best

At the Arts and Crafts He'd fill with pride
for the display of talent we did not hide
The handy-work and loving skill
fulfilling the purpose of His will
He said to let our talents grow
and then to freely let them show

When the midway caught His eye,
would He laugh or softly cry
Would He feel a sense of loss
at games of chance and games of toss?
Or would He choose to try His hand
as though He were a normal man
It's hard to tell just what He'd do
and what He'd say to me and you

I bet our Christ would like to try
some of the food as He walked by
A hungry child He saw in need
He'd surely find a way to feed
He'd brush away a lost child's tear
and soothe the over-whelming fear

Jesus wouldn't condemn and jeer,
He'd speak His mind, He'd lend an ear
He'd seek out cheats and crooks that may be there
and patronize the folks who are fair
He'd be, for everyone to see
a symbol of truth and purity
He'd spread His word in a simple way,
by every thing He'd do and say!

The Second Coming
Oil by Kathern Welsh
Prints Available

The body is the habitation of the soul
It dwells within, both are made whole
The soul's the source that beats the heart
And of the brain, is an essential part
For life to be, the soul's a must
Without the soul, the body's dust

From its birth each soul just yearns
For the triumphant day that Christ returns
And to that end we have a guide
A manual that God did provide
It tells us how to live on earth
And how to reach our greatest worth

This manual deals with health and wealth
Of righteousness, of peace and stealth
It tells us how to treat the poor
And how to find the proper door
Instructions for each challenge of life
And how our faith can conquer strife

"The Word" is how this book is known
In its pages all is shown
The ways of life from "A" to "Z"
Clear instructions for all to see
Each revelation has proven true
The future's there for me and you
This manual teaches of soul revival
The human manual is the Holy Bible.
The author is our Great Creator
Our Maker and our Mediator!

Fruit of God's Promise
Oil by Kathern Welsh
Prints Available

"By the people, for the people." Are these just words?
Yes, but words that mean so much
Only in a democracy are people free to be individuals.

"Liberty and justice for all." More words.
Yet the meaning of these words seem to be taken for granted
By those who live in freedom.

Violence erupts around the world
As suppressed people risk their lives
To gain the simple right of freedom.

The liberty to be individuals
With the right to live as they choose
In freedom.

What simple words, what a basically simple concept
Yet what a difference the reality of these words
Can mean to a nation of people.

While most of us live in freedom,
Perhaps giving it only a passing though
Suppressed people around the world
Are willing to die
For the freedoms we have every day.

Photo by Sonny Welsh